00:20:44 Meirav Abramovitz: Hi Tony! Great to see you here! 00:20:52 Jeffrey Moss: Boiler UPp Tony! 00:21:17 Tony Denhart: Hi everyone! 00:21:28 KATE SPARANO: @Jeff - Go Green! 00:21:57 Meirav Abramovitz: Love the backdrop :) 00:22:08 Jeff Brzozowski: Hi Graham. :) 00:22:24 Kayla Woitkowski: Hi all from Cleveland Ohio! Head of UR at SAS Software! 00:22:26 Mary Scott: Greetings all - Great group! 00:22:31 Tony Denhart: Hi Tamara and Jeff! 00:22:42 Meghan Pippenger: Hey everyone - Meghan Pippenger from University of Kentucky - Stuckert Career Center's Employer Relations 00:23:22 Ralph Brigham: What a great group - thanks for sharing! 00:24:08 Norma Guerra Gaier: Hi @Sandy Holt! 00:24:09 katie horne: Hello from Atlanta, GA with Chick-fil-A Inc.’s Early Talent Recruiting Team 00:25:17 Christian Russell: Hello everyone! - Assistant Director of Career Engagement @ Seattle University 00:25:56 Ray Ruiz: Good afternoon from Maryland! - Director of Talent & Recruiting @ Enactus 00:26:20 Kris Hergert: Hello from UC San Diego Career Center, stay well! 00:26:43 Tony Denhart: Hi Julie G! 00:26:46 thomas devlin: Hello from UC Berkeley 00:27:12 Tony Denhart: Hi Tom and Tom! 00:27:24 Natasha Torres: Hello from Sandia National Laboratories Recruiting! 00:27:26 Hilary Flanagan: Hello from Seattle! 00:27:27 Natasha Strauss: Hi everybody! - Natasha Strauss, UC Irvine - Employer Engagement Specialist :) 00:28:25 Lindsay Crouse: Hi Everyone- Lindsay Crouse Employment Development Specialist @ University of Pittsburgh ! 00:28:36 Tamara Clarkson: Greetings from Houston and Rice University! So glad I get to connect with y’all today! 00:29:17 Tony Denhart: Hello UW-M team! 00:29:39 Sean Gil: Hello everyone from UC Riverside! 00:31:07 Glenn Walker: Hello Everyone! From Palm Springs, CA Glenn Walker Regional HRM Granite Construction. 00:32:09 Norma Guerra Gaier: Michigan State 00:32:18 Margaret Zuhlke: Hello from UC San Diego's Halicioglu Data Science Institute! Very cool to see so many UC representatives here today :) 00:32:56 Kayla Woitkowski: SAS is in the same situation until March 2021 - no 'non-essential' travel. 00:34:28 Felicia Boyd: Greetings all! Felicia Boyd (Global Head of University Relations) from Siemens Digital Industries Software from sunny Orange County :) 00:34:45 Haley Rohe: Are there any other companies that have put out a final statement on recruiting, and whether they will conduct virtually in Fall 2020, or open to in person recruiting still? 00:35:10 Maggie O'Shea: Chronicle of Higher Education doc that Bruce is referencing - super helpful! https://www.chronicle.com/article/Here-s-a-List-of-Colleges-/248626 00:35:20 Katie Schwartz: Hello all! I'm Katie, US Campus Recruiter for Buro Happold, based in Los Angeles! 00:35:36 Jeffrey Moss: And even students will be on campus, will students or employers really want to be rubbing elbows at career fairs and other session with so many in a small, confined space? 00:36:03 Sabrina Sirois: Hello everyone! Sabrina Sirois, Experiential Education Coordinator at York University’s Glendon Campus 00:37:33 Jeffrey Moss: Great comment @Jill - such a great opportunity to rethink the ROI and effectiveness of the traditional processes 00:37:35 Meirav Abramovitz: Such a great point - this has served as a great opportunity to rethink 00:38:35 Jeffrey Moss: @graham: and why do internships just need to be 10 weeks, on site, during the summer? 00:40:57 Christian Russell: Im glad to hear Bruce is thinking about beyond class of 2020, investing in class of 2021 and beyond 00:41:44 Danielle Iacobelli: What can those employers who will only be virtual do to stay relevant when competing with companies that are onsite? 00:43:04 Marcos Morales: Its been my experience there are different formats to these virtual career fairs. Makes me wonder how many different formats are out there and best practices for each? 00:43:27 Tony Denhart: Hi Danielle. Your question valid. LIke Bruce said, there will likely need to be a mix of in person and onsite. 00:43:50 Jeffrey Moss: @nora: 100% agree. Career exploration is so important, and there are ways to use this to provide opps to more students. Plus employers can build "employer brand" with students who may not realize those opps are there. 00:45:52 Marie Koko: Do you think employers will continue to offer a combo of onsite and virtual internships moving forward (not just now and fall)? It would really level the playing field for students from underserved backgrounds who do not have the money to travel to sites - even if the internship is paid (and many still are not). 00:46:29 Lorrie Quigg: Curious to know what platforms employers and schools have used to run virtual career fairs? 00:46:29 Madie Hudac: Keeping "Zoom fatigue" in consideration. What format do we feel would be best to connect students and employers with the best results, attendance, and impact? 00:46:36 Kayla Woitkowski: Career service professionals: Are you worried about employers 'going rogue' a bit (for lack of a better term?) I worry about students being inundated by employers, thus losing engagement from students. Any thoughts? 00:47:55 Bruce Soltys: @ Staci - I think it will be a mix of our own events and then also partaking in ones that schools host. That being said, I think we need to be open about partnering with other companies jointly to ensure that students get access to a number of companies via a single event as we do not want to inundate them with so many competing events. 00:48:20 Kayla Woitkowski: Also, do you all anticipate any shifts in timelines? Will September - November still be the 'sweet spot' for interviews & offers? 00:48:21 Meirav Abramovitz: right, @Kayla, will employers opt to run their own virtual career fairs, as opposed to joining the school ones? 00:48:26 Meghan Pippenger: To the employers, how do you see this affects your recruiting to schools that you haven't been able to recruit at due to not being able to be on-campus? Do you see it would expand your recruiting efforts if you are primarily recruiting virtually? 00:48:49 Mary Scott: Kayla - I made this observation earlier today. One distinct possibility is that students will get slammed with invitations from universities and employers to attend virtual events - which they haven't been enamored of in the past. 00:48:59 Jennifer Chilman: @ Kayla - this is a great question and definitely a concern. I hope employers realize that the career services offices are still the best way to connect but there is no way to control 00:49:22 Melania Recine: Great questions! 00:49:42 Jeffrey Moss: @suzanne - great point about the importance of building employer brand. 00:50:06 Tony Denhart: HI Meghan - I feel that that going virtual provides an opportunity to "test the waters" at schools that we haven't been at before. 00:50:49 Meghan Pippenger: Thanks, Tony. 00:51:14 Jenni Salisbury: @meghan - we would definitely check out additional schools if we could participate virtually! 00:51:38 Kayla Woitkowski: IMO: Career Services relationships will be even more important! 00:52:21 Meghan Pippenger: @Jenni - Thanks 00:52:51 Kris Hergert: Bottom line: Work with the employer to build a custom brand engagement strategy for FY21....career fairs are (still) just 1 option. 00:53:43 Kayla Woitkowski: @Kris.. YES! 00:55:36 Marcos Morales: Campus Reps - Any early surveys on what your students been doing to engage companies? Handshake? Company website? Indeed? 00:55:36 Mary Scott: Great point, Bruce - Personal interaction will be key, regardless of the platform. 00:56:38 Sydney Gillian: @Marcos - handshake and LinkedIn for us. 00:58:13 Tony Denhart: @Jeff, you are spot on! 00:58:53 Michele Aymold: I’ve really enjoyed using micro internships to connect with students virtually 01:01:19 Meghan Pippenger: @marcos we have been using Handshake for over 3 years. We have also been using Facebook Live, and Zoom for webinars and workshops. Zoom for virtual appointments and drop-in advising. We are looking at Handshake for virtual career fairs and considering other virtual fair tech as well. 01:02:17 Meghan Pippenger: @michele are you using Parker Dewey for your micro-internship platform? 01:02:55 Michele Aymold: Yes @Meghan and I try to hire students from my alma mater to Norma’s comments right now 01:03:26 Marcos Morales: Thanks @Sydney @Meghan 01:03:38 Jenni Salisbury: what's a micro-internship? 01:03:39 Ben Warner: @meghan, you work for Parker Dewey, right? 01:04:32 Meghan Pippenger: @Ben I work at University of Kentucky, but we work with Parker Dewey to promote micro-internships to our students. 01:05:10 Meghan Pippenger: @Jenni Micro-Internships are a Short Term Project Based Internship. 01:06:01 Jeffrey Moss: Great comments from @norma about engaging alumni. Take a look at what Purdue is doing: http://info.parkerdewey.com/purdue/featured 01:06:29 Meghan Pippenger: @jenni https://www.uky.edu/careercenter/micro-internship-program 01:06:56 Ben Warner: @Megan, sorry I meant @ Michele 01:07:09 Meghan Pippenger: @Ben gotcha 01:07:12 Jeff Brzozowski: This has been great. Thanks everyone! 01:07:16 Jenni Salisbury: thanks @meghan! 01:07:17 Felicia Boyd: another great session - thank you! 01:07:18 Michele Aymold: @Ben yes, I learned about them as a client at G2 01:07:52 Michele Aymold: I also volunteer with Braven love how they position these as “career accelerating opportunities” to help students think outside the box in their development. 01:08:13 Sandra Holt: Very insightful. Thank you all very much! Sandy Holt - HACU 01:08:28 Sharon Gallagher: Thank you - there's lots to think about! 01:08:46 Jeffrey Moss: Thanks to all of the panelists - great to see the companies and career centers having the conversation together! 01:08:51 Norma Guerra Gaier: https://careerengagement.utexas.edu/texas-20-and-beyond/ 01:09:12 Tony Denhart: Thanks to everyone for joining the session today. 01:09:15 Bruce Soltys: Thanks everyone - stay safe and well! 01:09:23 Cheryl McCue: Thank you for the blend of colleges and employer partners in sharing responses and points of view! Very helpful. 01:09:31 Norma Guerra Gaier: thanks for the great conversation! 01:09:33 Jonathan Rubenfeld: Thank you all. This was great! 01:09:35 William Baker: Really helpful information! 01:09:48 Chibesa Mwape: Thank you everyone. This was insightful. 01:09:52 Kayla Woitkowski: Very insightful - great job panelists! 01:10:24 Jennifer Chilman: Thanks for sharing the different perspectives - great information! 01:10:34 Annalenna Baez: Thank you! There was wonderful information shared today and a lot to think about. 01:10:40 Kennee Grundy: Thank you ALL - Kennee (Cargill) 01:10:41 Marcos Morales: great idea - student panel 01:10:48 Natasha Torres: Thank you all! 01:10:51 Julie Gourley: Thanks All! 01:10:52 Erica Crutch: Student panel would be great! Thank you!!