Membership Fees



  • 1 member account



  • Up to 4 member accounts*



  • 5-10 member accounts*

Large Team


  • 11-20 member accounts*

Annual Member Benefits:

  • At least 16 expert workshops, roundtables with ER peers, and employer panel discussions
  • Easy access to a national network of ER peers
  • Discounts on conferences and training programs for you and your employer partners
  • Exclusive use of the members-only platform with private discussion board
  • 20% discount on registrations for the Employer Engagement Academy
  • Articles, worksheets, and other resources for you and your employer partners
  • The Employer Relations Scorecard
  • PLUS, all members receive a free copy of The Ultimate Career Fair Guide for Employers

An incredible value for only $595 per person/year. And even greater savings with group memberships!

*Please note that additional members must be from the same department within the institution

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