Congratulations to our Career Leadership Academy graduates who earned their micro-credential and are now better equipped to:
- Evaluate their department’s performance under key success factors.
- Examine top challenges faced by career leaders and implement tactics for managing change.
- Integrate DEI into their workplace by exploring how to build a diverse team, support an equitable and inclusive work culture, and create/review programs through a DEI lens.
- Address challenges through partnerships, evaluate potential partnerships, and leverage effective partnerships.
- Use their strengths to lead a team and achieve their leadership and operational goals.
- Implement processes to improve efficiency and productivity in their departments/units.
- Identify specific strengths and weaknesses of their programs and services and execute action plans for improvement.
Class of 2023
(course completed June 2023)
Name | Organization |
Anna Sommer | Concordia University |
Caroline Roberts | McMaster University |
Cindi Elgie | Algoma University |
Danielle Little | DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University |
E-Lin Chen | University of Toronto Scarborough |
Emily Gregory | University of Alberta |
Ian Schwartz | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Jonathan Coulman | Algoma University |
Kristen Oliver | Concordia University |
Megan Donohue | McMaster University |
Nasim Shojayi | University of Waterloo |
Sara Baptiste-Brown | Concordia University |
Stephanie Vega | The University of Toronto Mississauga |
Class of 2022
(course completed July 2022)
Name | Organization |
Anna De Grauwe | Durham College |
Brian Rochat | Red River College Polytechnic |
Candace Stewart-Smith | University of Waterloo |
Chantal Yelle | uOttawa |
Chris McCarthy | University of Toronto Scarborough |
Danielle Johnsrude | Vancouver Island University |
Dawn White | Algoma University |
Debbie Donato | RRC Polytech |
Erin Jobidon | University of Waterloo |
Isabelle Leduc | University of Ottawa (uOttawa) |
Jessica Lang | University of Waterloo |
Jillian Nero | Brock University |
Joanne Foxton | Georgian College |
Joey Post | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology |
Jon Royal | Red River College Polytechnic |
Kara Renaud | Brock University |
Kevin Whitmore | Trent University |
Linda Folster | Yorkville University |
Megan Johnson | University of Manitoba |
Melanie Belore | York University |
Nicole Miller | University of Ottawa |
Raj Dam | University of Toronto Scarborough |
Sarah Kalisa | McGill University |
Sean Mullin | CPA Ontario |
Valerie Masse | University of Ottawa |
Valerie Preston | McMaster University |
Inaugural Class of 2021
(course completed July 2021)
Name | Organization |
Aileen Najduch | Red River College |
Amy Wolf | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Angeline Boekweit | Red River College |
Anisa Diljohn Maraj | University of Toronto - Scarborough |
Anne-Marie Cantin | Université de Hearst |
Ashley Chimenti | Brock University - Goodman School of Business |
Bruno Castilloux | University of Ottawa |
Carole Morrison | Queen's University |
Charlene Marion | CEWIL Canada |
Claudia Mellad | University of Guelph |
Dinuka Gunaratne | University of Waterloo |
Dusty Ritchie | Red River College |
Dylan Yanchynski | Red River College, Winnipeg |
Emily Donald | Volunteer Victoria |
Gaby St-Pierre | University of Ottawa |
Hojat Norouzi | Red River College |
Jeremy Reed | University of Waterloo |
Katherine St. Louis | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Lisa Favero | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Lisa Jarvis | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Lynda Robinson | Vancouver Island University |
Marc-André Daoust | University of Ottawa |
Mark Whitten | Ryerson University |
Megan Dykstra | Huron at Western University |
Pauline Dawson | Brock University |
Rachelle Ireson | McMaster University |
Robyn Leuty | University of British Columbia |
Ryan Sisson | Trent University |
Stephanie Harper | Brock University |
Susan Ajersch | McGill University |
Tonya Whelan | University of Alberta |
Wincy Li | Ryerson University |